I can relate to that poor woman. A few years ago I invited my neighbor to go with me on a 3-day float on the Buffalo River in AR. I told him that I wanted us to each have our own canoes since I had never had the chance to use mine by myself. I was really looking forward to not having a heavy load and other people in my boat and dreamed of how nice it was going to be gliding almost effortlessly down the river.

I carefully selected and packed my gear to make sure my load was as light and small as possible. When we got there he had a truck full of gear and a huge cooler loaded with weeks worth of food and beer, that would not fit in his canoe, so, of course, he insisted I put it all in mine. After paddling that load for 28 miles I wanted to smack him in the rear with an oar, but I was just too darn worn out to make it sting mad

"You want to go where?"