My plan is to use this pack within Texas only. So looking for something lightweight thats good to say 50 degrees F, but not too warm to use during the summer, good for keeping the critters out (where I go snakes are a big big issue) and above all light, possibly usable without a pad. Looking for 2lbs or less and very very compact. $200 is my top range but would be glad to get something for less if possible. Looking for typical camping colors of tans, OD green, etc.

Originally Posted By Trailrunner
You may get more exact answers with a more exact question. What is your idea of "light"? For some it's 15oz, for others it's much more. How much money does it take to break the bank? $70? $200? There is a lot of leeway in your question.

You left out one very important requirement: How warm does it have to be? What kind of temps will it be used in?

Are you looking for down or synthetic? IMO down is required to make a bag truly ultralight but others may think differently.

As for durability, it generally rises with weight. Personally I think any bag can be durable with proper care.

As I have written about sleeping bags a few times before:




Pick any two. It's not hard to find a cheap warm bag but it won't be light. Sounds like you have that now. If you want a light warm bag it won't be cheap. And if you want cheap and light it won't be very warm.

Edited by humblefan (08/11/10 12:07 PM)