Do you have a link or something to the tent stake? Does it look something like a snow stake? That would be a good idea to just have one of them be a little heavier but use it as a shovel too. Might help support the tent a little better too if it's really windy out.
is that what you were talking about? The only other thing that I was thinking of using the line for was stream crossing for the two of us, depending on how bad they were. Would that hold the weight of 150lb person + pack + 40lb Dog?
that's the light? It's bright enough for around camp activities, Cooking and what not? Anything will get me by for reading at night. If I'm going to do any intentional extended night hiking I have a 150 lumen light I'll bring along.

For the Gossamer trekking poles, is the travel tube part of the pole, or is that extra? Because that would bring their weight up to pretty heavy actually. If not, those things look awesome. I was seeing other poles in the 130-150 range that only droppped 1-2oz off mine, and I got mine for $50.