I've got the Refuge (no longer offered) and tried out the Lunar Duo briefly. I just used the Refuge last week and though it is very light (26 oz) and roomy (2 persons, lots of headroom) it is pretty difficult to get a tight pitch. So much so that a moderate (not heavy) wind blew down one of the poles a couple of times before we weighed it down with a big rock. This seems to be a design issue that is probably the reason it's no longer offered. Also the netting on the sides tends to end up laying on the ground rather than vertically as intended.

The Lunar Duo is very roomy, with a huge footprint. Also had a bit of trouble getting a good pitch, though I did not spend a lot of time with it, and it struck me as not being as well sewn/designed as the Tarptents. Places where the poles went looked like they would tear out fairly quickly.

I think if I were you I'd go for the 4-man tarptent (Hogback - weight 64 oz), unless you don't want all four of you in one tent. If two tents, then you have a lot of options. We also have a Cloudburst, which has been pretty good but not enough vertical headroom for me. The Squall may be better for that, or another tarptent, or one of the newer Six Moon Designs (Haven).

Ron Moak and Henry Shires are both very committed to customer service. I have a slight leaning towards the Tarptents in terms of construction and durability, though I do like some of the ideas Ron has been playing with lately.