The following discussion is meant for educational purposes only. Bypassing the safety features of liquefied gas lighters could cause grave bodily injury or even death. This information is not to be shared with children too young to read it, and is intended only for mature audiences.

Some adults have problems with these "child proofing devices" that were designed based on the idea that children do not have strong tough fingers, the same thing that many adults do not have.
number one. I am using a pair of strong scissors to grasp the narrow part of the metal band right above the level of the "push down gas controller". Slightly open the end of the scissors and insert it under the metal edge.

push up with your thumb and pry the metal up with the scissors

Pull out scissors and use the tip to slide between the striker and the loosened piece of metal and pry up.

finally pull the piece of metal away from the lighter.
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.