So to start off with I'm going to Ecuador for a school trip! We'll be gone for 9 days, 2 of which we're supposed to be roughing it on a sand bar. The other 7 days we'll be in a lodge (to my knowledge at least!)

I'm mainly just looking for some advise on the smaller stuff to bring along like for example which brand of water purifying tablets are good to get.

I've got almost all my stuff I just have to pick up my shoes and knife then I have all my bigger stuff. I still need to get my purifying tablets, water bottles, all that good stuff. Since I'm new to all this stuff I really don't know what other "small stuff" I need lol

Also I've been debating on whether I should bring a small first-aid kit with me or not, my class will be going with 2 teachers. Both of them are going to be carrying a first-aid kit with them so I'm not sure if I should bother?
