Originally Posted By Jimshaw
I met a doctor who backpacks a lot wile camped in Ventana wilderness, and he found a man laying unconscious on a trail with a broken leg. Since he was a doctor and he carried a surgical kit, he operated on the guy and the when the guy came to, helped him out. The guy sued him for $150,000 (for operating on him without his consent) and won by default because the doctor didn't show up in court. The Doc said to me "If I ever run into him again, I'll break his leg and leave him there."

So thank you for bringing up a very valuable point smile I think I'll carry a medical release in my first aid kit, right next to the band-aids. I believe you have given me permission to use the one above, but maybe I'll rewrite it a bit with your permission, and Thanks Skippy. You're a real pal... thanks
P.S. I have rewritten the release with only minor changes, I took out the LNT part and the attorney my wife works for is reviewing it for me.

Jim, I would not use that form as a release as it was a joke. Also just because you have a release doesn't mean you won't be sued. I've been involved in 3 different lawsuits one involved a settlement, (I was deemed to have no role but someone else was) one has been filed as an intent to sue the city I work for (I caught a guy stealing and he fought with me) and one was as a defendant witness in a very pathetic attempt at trying to get money from a crippled old woman in a car accident.

Our society is encouraged to be sue happy and nearly every cop I know has been sued or will be sued more than once in their career. I've actually considered quitting my job as I get tired of being threatened with lawsuits.


Edited by skippy (02/11/10 04:38 PM)