Hey, Thank you BrianLe for the well wishes. I thought I had sent you a thank you note yesterday but it seems it didn't go through. At any rate, your thoughts are very much appreciated. I went to the doc on Thursday and he made a point of making sure I was staying off the trail and in my back brace. I swear, the guy that made this brace is sadistic. I've lost a bit of weight over the past couple of months and don't have much in the way of padding on my pelvic bones and ribs. This brace just digs in like crazy and is going to be a trial. Doc says I've gotta keep it on at all times for 3 months except when I'm in bed. ARRRRRRG!!!!!! Lovin' every minute of that......NOT!!! LOL My thoughts go out to you and I wish you a speedy recovery on your foot. What's your first hike going to be? I know I'm already making plans for May. I know my first hike will be close by due to money situations. I won't be able to afford much but anything will be heaven on earth!

Thank you again and looking forward to talking with you again. Take care of that foot. Cary