Originally Posted By Rick_D
IIUC more than CO production, the greater consideration with alcohol stoves is the fuel being used. What is the methanol fraction and what other denaturing compounds are in the mix? Reportedly, certain alcohol formulations are vile-smelling and quite headache-inducing.

I use plain old *methanol* (methyl hydrate) most of the time. It stinks no worse than anything else and certainly hasn't produced any ill effects.. No I don't *drink* it.

I've also used pure ethanol (everclear) as well as denatured alcohol. same thing..

Then there's "methylated spirits" which is the UK and australia's answer to denatured alcohol. they deliberately
add smelly stuff to it. but it worked fine in the stove
for me.

I'll add that I wouldn't use any stove where CO might be an issue. I don't use them in enclosed unvented spaces.

Edited by phat (02/04/10 07:14 PM)
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