Originally Posted By skippy
Memorable trip.

My most memorable scout trip was to an island I knew that we canoed out to with the troop. As I had been there before I thought I'd pull a fast one and tell everyone stories about the bears all over the island and to make sure food was hung, etc. etc. Troop hung all their food. Leaders (who were camped about 100 meters away from the rest of us) did not, and got their camp visited by *four* skunks the first night, who proceeded to clean their dishes for them, eat their pot scribber, and darn near every bit of food they had brought, they got to watch it all from their tent, being unable to "scare off" the brash critters. One of them was then obliged to canoe back across the lake and go buy themselves more food since they had nothing to eat. skunks had cleaned them out.

Of course the other reason it was probably memorable was that since the trip was done in the canoe, I didn't have to *carry* the obnoxiously heavy boy-scout kit on my back much.
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