I used to head up to the Sierras ahead of the mountain storms to be there when it happened. The last one dropped 2 feet of heavy snow on us. I broke the pole of my sigle pole Moss tent that we were using as a cook tent. Inside my Bibler I would shake the tent to knock the snow off and the when it started pushing in, I pushed it back out. In the morning the tent was completely buried but still dry inside. Anyway when I awoke sometime 3-4ish the sides of the tent were really pressed in. While still in my goretex sleeping bag I sat up and put my back against one side and my feet against the other and pushed the tent back into shape. Now essentially the tent was pitched inside a snow cave of packed snow and in the morning it wasn't pressed in at all. Thank God for Toddex walls (fuzzy goretex)and roof vents.
Jim Oh yes consider the fate of the moss pyramid tent, single poled slanted side tents DO NOT STAND UP TO SNOWLOAD.
These are my own opinions based on wisdom earned through many wrong decisions. Your mileage may vary.