Originally Posted By lias4life

I want a pack around 20-25lbs for trips anywhere from a weekend to possibly a month. I don't have resources to spend like $200 on a pack or tent.

how do you guys think military MRE's would work...?

I went this last weekend with a twenty pound pack, but did not spend under 200 for the gear. (Nor did I spend more than $500, but we all have our preferences and priorities...) I also did not pack MREs which are heavy....

But. If you're starting out and you haven't gone before, it's early to talk of pack weight and budget - borrow some gear and go out. See how it feels.

Going lighter is a compromise - safety and (sleeping) comfort vs. lightweight (hiking comfort), and you will probably start out with some gear and end up with a very different set of gear in a few years. While you're figuring things out and getting experience in your needs and your preferences (different for everyone) don't worry much about weight. Go out with more experienced hikers if you can find groups in your area, and watch how they do things and ask why they take the gear they have. Keep reading the forum, check out the gear lists on this site, and think about the conditions you're heading out in.

I suspect you will have a very different experience in the Army. They don't do lightweight at all....
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
