I don't think you're muddying the waters at all. You've said, quite elegantly (and with pictures that are easily worth 1,000 words each) what I believe but often fail to say right out: you take the load that makes you happiest. For some, that is the lightest possible weight; Jimshaw says it often and bluntly: it's the lightest load that lets you safely do what you set out to do.

You're right: there is no magic number. Personally, I tend to prefer comfort and convenience, and am lucky enough to be able to afford gear that is all that, and light, too. I prefer a minimalist style, with some gear doing multiple things (like a sleeping pad that doubles as a chair) and all of it fading into the background of the trip. That usually means 20 - 25 pounds total is right for me; that doesn't mean it's right for you.