Originally Posted By marla

I have not been backpacking too much but I am trying to plan some trips. Is it best to buy a guide book and travel according to it, or is a trip more fun if you just play it by ear and figure out things as you go?

Roald Amundsen, who led the first successful expedition to the South Pole, put it best:
"Adventure is just bad planning."

Take a course or go with experienced hikers until you actually know something and don't just wander off thinking you can make things up as you do along and come home safely. It doesn't always work out that way.

I have brought this up before and will do it again. Backpacking is a great activity, but like most things it requires certain skills. You don't just buy a bunch of gear and instantly know how to use it or understand what can happen to you if you aren't careful. That isn't how it works.

I have read a lot of accident reports and often inexperience is a major factor that results in injury or death. Sometimes people just disappear. Happens every year. The bottom line is be sensible. Backpacking is more than just a walk in the park with a pack on.

Don't get me started, you know how I get.