From the female point of view:

I never wear skirts any more, even for dress-up occasions. For one thing, there's the little matter of extensive scars on one leg from knee surgery and varicose veins on both, which I'd rather keep hidden from the general public. For another, I prefer to stay warm. When backpacking, I'd just as soon not offer any flesh to either mosquitoes or the sun (I'm allergic to most sunscreens) if I can help it!

I can't see that Bigfoot's kilt is any different from shorts. I don't wear shorts, either.

I did notice, though, that when the weather turned cool and rainy and when it was forecast to be windy, BF's kilt retired in favor of long pants.... In other words, he wore it only the first day!
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey