I'd think about carrying some GI meds as well as an NSAID and acetamenophen (or paracetamol, depending on the location). While heavy bleeding seems to get a lot of attention in "what-if" scenarios, my experience has been that most cases of volume shock in the backcountry are the result of dehydration; we all know the importance of hydrating, but vomiting and diarrhea can absolutely sneak up on you. Especially out on a longer trip, being able to manage n/v/d can avoid trouble in a couple of days (although you may feel horrible for a while longer).

My personal (as opposed to SAR) kit has ibuprofen, tylenol, Skelaxin (a non-drowsy muscle relaxant), and some loperamide, as well as a small wound-cleaning kit, a couple of small roller gauze, a couple of triangular bandages, and moleskin. This is based on my past experiences of what I've had to deal with personally. YMMV.