Originally Posted By rusty

For those not growing, buying and eating organic, excuses run rampant. I see few legitimate ones though. In many cases, it seemingly boils down to apathy...

What a bunch of entitlement-speak.

I just deleted a whole post of reasons people can't get organic foods. You aren't going to listen, and this isn't the place for it. But I find your entire attitude condescending to say the least - the reason there are thousands of people in my vicinity not eating organic anything has nothing to do with excuses. They have reasons. And the saddest part is, I live in one of the most agriculturally rich places in the world, California's Central Valley, where organic producers are popping up right and left and you can pick up lots of fruits and veggies on corner stands and farmer's markets that have never seen a spray.
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
