I was able to get all my gear in the aura 50, with the quilt, hammock, tarp and clothing inside and a bear vault solo standing up on top of them (only place the bear can would fit, and a bigger one would have been very difficult) - the filter, first aid, and other small gear items fit in the outside pockets and the back pocket usually held rain gear and a snack. But I didn't haul a tent or large sleeping pad. Not sure what gear configuration you have, but I think if I had to carry a tent and a stove larger than a supercat and .9 liter pot, the 50 would be a very tight fit indeed. If I were shopping for an Osprey, I would look at the aether 60 - on the aether series, you can also swap belt and straps if you need to. The reason I sold the aura 50 was that the belt was wholly inadequate and I could not swap it out for something different. If your pack works for you, and you don't need the bear can, it would be easy to get a NeoAir and a quilt into it.
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
