Originally Posted By Marc
I am about to walk several miles across hot coals barefoot. But to be honest, I don't care.
Quotes such as outstanding young man and the world has lost another good one sound as if you knew him personally. If you did not then your posts are simply self-serving, look at me BS.
I seriously doubt you can even recall his name a month from now.
Had he been rescued alive I am sure you hollywood boo hoo clowns would be singing a different tune.
wooo these coals are getting hot.
If I am not mistaken, he did absolutely everything wrong. Yet because he was "hiking" you want to canonize him.
This is my last post here but I promise to hang around long enough to hear you trash me. That is only fair.
Perhaps you might want to gear your forum more to the safety aspect than just light gear. Just an opinion from someone who wants to hike but knows nothing about it.
If I have offended anyone, some of it was intentional, yet there are some here I wish to apologize to because you may have got caught up in this rediculous mess. There are some good people here. Good-bye.

One, no one's going to trash you. Two, your extreme reaction to a few sentiments spoken about an unfortunate young man is a symptom of something, you need to look at yourself, and if you have difficulty understanding why you are so overwrought about what a bunch of random strangers on the internet are doing, perhaps you should seek professional help to address whatever underlying emotional difficulty drove you to such angst. Three, intentionally inflammatory remarks intended to whip up a lot of attention is generally regarded as trolling. Again, if you need that much attention, professional help is suggested.

Sorry to hear you're in such turmoil. Hope you find some resolution to whatever's got up your butt.
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few." Shunryu Suzuki
