
One of my off-season tasks is searching out interesting paperbacks in a compact format that weigh about 6 oz...

I don't have a video camera yet, but here's the script for the clip I'd post if I did:

Ultralight-hiker-type in the stacks at the local used bookstore. He's got a digital scale on the table and a stack of paperback books beside it.

(Note: I think I'd use my sailor neighbor two slips over from me for the part, my friend Max, age 90, although he's gone sailing over in the Bahamas <with his 60-year-old girlfriend.> Dressed in some zip-off pants and a self-wicking TNF t-shirt, he could easily pass for [b]MY
hiking partner.)

The "hiker" takes a book from the stack and sets it on the scale. He looks at the readout and then at the book, disgustedly.

Max: "Hmmmm. 'War and Peace,' -- Tolstoy. Seven ounces. Crap!" he says in a chagrined voice as he pitches it aside.[/b]

grin laugh

...MP3 player that has a small speaker...

There's a chance we might have been at the same backcountry campsite last year. You had the small speaker(s) in your tent and we were camped across the lake from you when I reached over and shook my wife in our tent and grumbled something about Moby to her. She said, "I don't hear Moby!"

I bolted upright in the mummy bag, banging my head on the ceiling/roof of our single-walled Tarptent, and shouted, "It ain't Moby, somebody's reciting Melville's "Moby Dick!" grin

I really like Moby -- great hiking music. I'm definitely bringing some Moby and my speaker(s) if I can swing that NW-Pacific group trip this year. Haven't put my name in yet, but figure I'll do like Horst Buccholtz did in The Magnificent Seven and tag along about a quarter-mile behind til Yul Brenner (or who<whom>ever) waves me into camp. Like Horst, hopefully I'll bring just-caught fish.

(Two days til we leave Miami for the mountains, 4 good.)
- kevon

(avatar: raptor, Lake Dillon)