You might get asked if you have everything....but mostly what I get is that look and then a comment of how they wish THEIR pack weighed less.

A couple years ago we met a couple guys with massive old school packs. They were hiking on the PCT from the Wa border to as far north as they could. They did 7 miles a day, give or take. Their packs were 50-60 lbs at least. They saw us 3 ladies first, with 40L packs on - and when they saw the men coming behind us with the same size packs, they were shocked. They had assumed that we had men hauling the gear. (Like THAT happens)

But never looked down at. More envious than anything. Oh sure you hear snide comments about how "UL'ers mooch stuff" but when they see how you have everything you need it shuts them up.
Freezer Bag Cooking, Trail Cooking, Recipes, Gear and Beyond: