Good topic.

August 1998, I was 17 yrs old on my way to Colorado. I was blown away by the majesty of the land; I still am. The destination was the Chicago Basin in the Weminuche Wilderness Area. We rode the narrow gauge railroad up from Durango, getting off the train about halfway to Silverton. We loaded up the packs and started walking. I was addicted immediately. (Funny, because we never backpacked while I was in Boy Scouts.)

Tents were 8lbs, but split between 4 people. Sleeping bags were 3-4lbs. Kitchen/Food was a major source of weight: cans of spam, fruit cups filled with juice, jello cups, peanut butter, liquid fuel, Coleman Peak1 stove, huge pot and pan, skillet, and extra parts for the stove. We used iodine for our water, so that was probably the lightest category. I brought an extra clothing "just in case". Mini maglight with extra batteries "just in case". My total pack weight was about 40-45 lbs. Not too bad given my inexperience.

I've been addicted ever since.
I always forget and make it more complicated than it needs to's just walking.