Originally Posted By chaz
I carry a small snake bite kit and have read the instructions. But, I have never had to use it and hope that I never need it. Has anyone any experience on this subject. I was told the other day that it is really an unnecessary item to carry and that the likelihood of someone dying is slim. ???? I'm not afraid of snakes as long as I can see them. They usually go the other way if not cornered.

I don't know how dangerous the snakes are where you live but down here you would never walk in the bush without a way to treat snake bite. What do I carry - one extra wide and long crepe bandage.

I recently re-certified my first aid training and the treatment for snake bite is still virtually the same as it has been for several years. Lay the person down, apply a pressure immobilisation bandage along the limb ,keep them calm and get medical assistance ASAP. We also treat all snake bite as potentially lethal as identifying the snake is not always that easy. For example not all Brown Snakes are in brown in colour and a number of snakes change colour from youth to adult.

Please note the above first aid information pertains to Australian Snakes. You should find out the appropriate treatment for the snakes that occupy the area you intend on hiking in.

I have had numerous snake encounters including some that were on the scary side (a big Brown Snake right in front of me) and I have always stood dead still and let the snake decide what it wants to do. Thankfully they have always wandered off into the bush.

Personal opinion, even if there is only a "slim" chance of dying then I would prefer to avoid it as you only die once.


P.S. If your interested in reading up on the deadly creatures that can be found down here try this place:

Edited by AussieBushwalker (02/07/09 08:03 PM)