Alright, A bonk is when you run out of steam when climbing or biking up a hill. You can recover from a bonk and keep going. The trick to avoiding hitting the wall is to keep hydrated and keep your glucose level feed. While hiking/biking eat small bites of snacks, bananas,granola bars etc. You can recover from the bonk but once you hit the wall you are done for the day and you are past trying to rehydrate or replenish your glucose. It's time to stop and recover. If you know your gonna exert yourself, eat and hydrate maybe an hour before you break camp and strike out. Your energy level will be much better. Also remember to hydrate well. Your body can sweat fluid faster than it can absorb it. When you get real thirsty, you will have a hard time quenching that thirst. No matter how much water you consume, your body will be at a deficite. Also, you can drink to much water and become water logged at a cellular level. Dangerous and you will feel like dog do do.
Enjoy your next trip...