I had one bout a couple of years ago. It happened after spending all day in flat hard shoes on frozen sidewalks. It was several days before walking was bearable, several weeks before walking was comfortable, and several months before my feet felt normal.

Luckily, I have not had a recurrance and am able to backpack up to 13 miles a day without any problems... aside from bug bites and normal exhaustion <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Pharmacies sell shoe inserts especially for plantar fasciitis. I use them. I don't walk anywhere without some cushion. I have a pair of crocs in the house that I wear in place of slippers... they have much more cushion.

There is a stretch for the PF on runnersworld.com with a video... they cite a study in which doing the stretch frequently significantly helped speed up recovery of PF.

The taping, other stretches, and other ideas people have mentioned all sound good too!

Of course, if your symptoms are bad, if you have a recurance, or if it is slow to heal, I would see a doctor.

Edited by 2brnot2b (08/31/08 03:36 PM)