A gang of about 60 very good friends who I put an event on here a month ago found my online MEC wish list and surprised the living heck out of me by passing the hat, and buying me an appreciation gift - An ACER Microfix 406 PLB! - which they gave to me and said was as much for my wife (who doesn't hike) as me. Anyway, I did explain to my better half what it is and what it does, registered it, and she has my trip plans at home as always anyway.

Well, I'm heading off in a few hours for a 3 dayer - hardly isolated, it's skyline, which is very nice, but not "remote" like when I wander off trail or into willmore, and I'm not solo I'm dragging a newb along, and I've been through the area more times than I care to remember - so I really had no intention of taking the PLB with me - a solo trip where I'm dorking around off trail sure!, but not skyline....

My pack for this trip weighs 18 pounds with everything but water in it. A nice walk in the park. unfortunately it'll now weigh 19 - As I was heading out for the morning at work this morning and hucked the backpack in the car my spouse handed me the microfix. No amount of protests like
"it's skyline - it's practically west edmonton mall... I'm not solo! if one of us is hurt the other gets help!" would be heard.. I got "the look" - and the she who must be obeyed voice: "I don't care what you think it weighs. strap it to your pack".

Yes, I could leave it in the truck at the trailhead, but she'd probably find a way to get me to admit it to her after... SIgh, I know when I'm licked.
Any fool can be uncomfortable...
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