Hi, Phat. Regarding the chemical water treatment, I'm going to display my ignorance about the Lake Superior area. I know that, at Isle Royale in the Lake, chemicals aren't recommended because of a specific local parasite (I forget the name.) However, I don't know how "local" they mean when they say local. If the parasite also exists where walkover hikes, I'd recommend staying with the filter; otherwise, it's just a matter of preference (weight versus wait, so to speak.)

On a side note, I'm back using a Virga pack again, with the MSR gear I love so much; gets my load down in the 16-18 pound range most of the time. The Vapor Trail just seemed to be overkill. I'm using a 3/4 Prolite 4 for a backpad, and carry a Lite Seat for trail and camp seating, and as a pad extender (laid between the pack's straps or inside the pack, to keep it in place.) Works pretty good. How'd that spare Virga I sent you work out?