Minimize what needs to go into a bear canister. I think we all take too may "personal hygiene" products. I only take exactly the small amount of sunscreen I will need on each trip. For short trips, I find brushing and flossing (without toothpaste) works for a few days. No need for soap. Deorderant- forget it- you are going to smell anyway! If you take toothpast, a small travel size lasts 10 days.

Minimize the bulk of what needs to go into the bear cannister.

On trips longer than 10 days (what I can squeeze into my bear cannister) I (theoretically) would counter-balance hang the non-smelly extra food (sealed in a special smell-proof bag) until what is left fits into the cannister. This would be a rare case, because honestly, I do not like to carry more the 10-days worth of food anyway! If you have to resort to this, definitely camp far away from the trail in a spot that is off the beaten path and has NO bear signs within several miles.

Also, if you ever carry out food at the end of the trip, you probably take too much. Perhaps it is a good idea to simply not take anymore food than will fit in the cannister. Eat a little less.

By the way, Bear-i-Kade makes a very large cannister thay call the "expedition" and I hear you can get 12-15 days food into it. Seeing that the smaller "weekeneder" costs $270 the larger one may be well over $300!

It is a difficult transition if you are used to not using a cannister, but after a while, it really is not too bad.