
Maybe you should have titled your post "New Post on Water TREATMENT" as many like myself no longer use filters but use UV pans like my SteriPen Adventurer and/or chlorine dioxide liquid or tablets.

Based on his prior posts on the topic it looks to like johndavid is setting up a Straw Man argument by attempting to limit the topic to water filters.

I'll continue to backpack in the Sierras and other western WITH my UV pen and Chlorine dioxide tabs as backup.

No offense but it seems silly to me to bring CL02 and a Steripen. Why not sell the Steripen and buy a ton of CL02 tabs?

BTW, Steripen used unethical marketing methods when they first placed the product on the market. And now their QA is in serious doubt due to the many credible reports of failures.

WTS, I do own a classic. I use it for travel. Hotel water, and re.

But that's probably OT so i'll move on.

Having said that I'll second the 1st report's caution regarding personal hygene for toilet and dish washing purposes.


In support of that caution I will say that I feel using hand sanitizer is virtually mandatory on any backpacking trip, summer or winter. Short of that good ol' soap & water is my second choice. And finally, in the spirit of the dictum, "The solution to pollution is dilution." you can just rinse your hands like mad if you have no other means to clean up.

Good advice as a rule. I'll add that benzethonium chloride and benzalkonium chloride appear to be the best. I suggest washing w/copious amounts of water, then drying one's hands first. Note; a little BTC or BAC goes a long way. Do not rinse off. Let it dry normally and it'll keep on working.

BUT, dishwashing can be a bad culprit as well.

Thx for the reminder. Doesn't apply to me because I no longer use dishes.

