I'd say primarily #6 and the unmentioned #13 (current way of life). For #6 my wife has never been real active, and I don't see that happening at any point in the near future until #13, our current "way of life" is resolved. What I mean with #13 is that we have two small children, and it is not practical for both of us to get away at this point in time together. If we ever do it's usually to do something more "relaxing" like spend a weekend at a B&B (Bed & Breakfast) or something of that nature.

She actaully doesn't mind car camping as we have done that before, and has expressed interest in trying backpacking. So, maybe that is something we can try sometime in the future. I got into backpacking after we got married by the way.

I myself am blessed with a very close friend that is also in almost an identical situation to me. He has a wife that doesn't backpack, two kids and a full time job. So we almost always go together. And to be honest I think I like it that way better. It's a good chance to hang out with a buddy, and "get away from it all" for a few days if you know what I mean.