Cool. Welcome to the forum. Gear lists are pretty easy to find, for whatever kind of backpacking you'd like to try. I have a teacher friend who's traveled the world a LOT, and she describes it as "a way of experiencing hardship so you can understand yourself & learn about people from other cultures". She'll disappear overseas for a few months with nothing but what she can fit in a big backpack. She stays touch with everybody through email so we'll know where she is and where she's supposed to be next.

A few tips: Hostels and campgrounds are a lot cheaper than hotels. Hostelling International's places seem to be pretty clean in my experience, and most hostels in general are helpful about things like organizing group activities and pointing you to the nearest grociery store or bus station. If you have problems with your passport/etc. while outside your country, then the local consulate is the place to get that straightened out. Always have some extra toilet paper wherever you go. Try to find out what the locals do instead of going straight to all the tourist traps; my gf swears that getting a local coupon book is pretty good for this.

Good luck!