How could Trauma do 27+ miles per day for 365 days straight?
It absolutely blows my mind too, but he did it. Actually there were days that he hiked 45 miles. Some of the terrain didn't allow him to get in the full 30 miles per day that his goal was set for because of snow and steep terrain. However, on the flat stretches he was able to cover an unfathomable amount of miles. It's hard to believe, but he had detailed descriptions of the massive trip on his website. The GGR boys also kept tabs with him everyday via email, sat phone, or cell phone.

We can talk about some of the amazing feats that people have done in climbing mountains, running ultra-marathons, multi-day eco challenges, etc, but what Trauma did may never be repeated.

On top of all this, he's hiked the width of New Zealand and swam around Lake Tahoe without getting out of the water (70 miles of swimming, treading water, and walking in the shallow parts, but mostly swimming!). You've heard of the 7 Summits, right? Well, Trauma's next expedition will be to hike across the 7 Continents! Crazy! I have all the faith in the world that he'll do it. He's a freak of nature!
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