Hooboy, what an experience. You're a better man than I, who would not be seeing the humor in this, even weeks later.

A wal-mart tent I wouldn't miss so much, but a BD tent?!?

The virgin trip of my $600 Black Diamond Guiding Light was the White Rim trail in Canyonlands National Park. The first night I pitched it, staked it well with 4 stakes (heavy duty steel stakes that I used a sledge hammer to drive in), put rocks on top of the stakes, and then watched the wind rip the stakes out of the ground, move the rocks (basketball sized), and lift my tent about 50 feet in the air. It never even once touched the ground as it flew about 500 yards to the cliff face. We lost sight of it after that as it was getting dark. As far as I know it's on it's way to Colorado. It at least made it to the Colorado river.

If you see it fly by let me know. lol.