This past summer 2 of my friends were on a trip in the Olympics going cross country with 2 other gents. One of the gents set up his REI Quarterdome as they made camp on a shelf in alpine. And.....yep. He didn't stake it down. The wind tore it right over the edge. They could see the tent waaaay far down below.

The youngest in the group, who loves to climb put on a summit pack and scaled down the ravine quite a bit down till he reached the tent (I am thinking 1,000 to 1,500 ft vertically down). The other friend shot it on video. When I watched it I thought to myself...that the gent who lost his tent was lucky someone thought it would be fun to go get it. Josh brought the tent back up, after breaking it down. In the end the tent came through with no damage.
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