Having grown up swimming my summers in the Cowpasture River in Virginia, I can only think of the bugs I swallowed. So when people freak out over water purification, it makes me think back to the good old days of swimming in natures finest lakes and rivers.

Get over it!!!

I go with Aqua Mira always, Drop, Drop sit back and drink up. Manage ur water.

What you do when the batteries go dead? oh thats right carry extra weight!!

Filters and bottles get contaminated with water which will not be sanitized. With chemicals at least the water still has chemicals to sanitize outside rims. Ever met someone who's filter cracked or froze due to overnite low temps? Not a pretty sight bent over with cramps and squirts for two weeks.

A better life with chemicals. and lite weight!!!!!!! Course I'm the guy who uses Vodka to keep the water from freezing in the bottle.