One question I have when reading your initial post is that, if your base wt is around 9 lbs. and a gallon of water is a little less than 9 lbs., and you say your total pack wt is 35-40 lbs., where is the other 17-22 lbs. coming from? I just can't see where that much extra weight is coming from.

Well, he did say 9lb was his "big three", so just shelter, pad, bag (?)... not "base pack weight" (all but consumables and clothing worn/carried)

None of these terms are super clear or officially standardized, but I break my spreadsheet down to:

1) pack (including liners/covers, etc)/shelter/sleeping system (bag, pads/etc)
2) clothing carried
3) other stuff carried in pack
4) clothing worn (including shoes)
5) stuff carried (like hiking poles)
6) consumables (food, average water carried, fuel)

so 1+2+3 = base pack weight
1+2+3+6 = total pack weight
1+2+3+4+5+6 = skin out weight

I've actually broken #3 out further into cooking bag, emergency bag, junk bag(s), just so I can identify what is where. But then I fool with my spreadsheet all the time adding/moving stuff, so I'm certainly no authority on the matter.