I agree that snow camping must be properly prepared, especially if you take long duration trip. There is a problem how to keep clothes, tent, sleeping bag dry after some nights in snow camping? I personally think a stove is a necessary in winter. The increased weight will be definitely worth it in keeping equipment dry.
And have you ever tried to wash in snow camp? I like clean not only teeth and wash a face in 10-days tour. After hiking and returning in forest zone I stay in wooden lodge of native hunters to take care of that problem. If the lodge is situated near open creek (without ice), you can warm and sweat near a stove, and jump out in snow or creek. This is Russian banya. I just love it. Past winter I tried to bathe in spring with 14 degree temp, it was 120 in lodge, air temp was 53 degree below zero. It was very slippery to go out because icicles stuck to my barelegged feet.

I am not looking for where to camp colder.