Oh to live in a Country that has the time to concern its self with how many parts per billion of Biphenol A One might ingest on a two week walkabout.

Does anyone remember the Alar pesticide frenzy of the 80s, or how public concern trumped scientific fact and bankrupted Dow Corning concerning silicone in breast implants (which are available again) Lets not forget DDT, bad science and Rachel Carsons book got it band in the 70s. Sure we've got a lot more Eagles now, (not connected to the DDT ban), but countless millions have died from malaria infected insect bites.

My point is, the Media has become judge, jury,and executioner for many of these type of public concerns. It has no time to wait for the science to confirm or disprove the initial headline. "Man made" global warming is just the most recent example. We are an impatient people, this fact has cost us dearly in the past.

Lets just take a deep breath shall we?