10-15 miles is about average for a backpacker,

Well, Tim Ernst, I'm sure, goes that far and further in a day, so, while he is THE Guru of the Ozarks, he must be basing that on the people he hangs with most and not figuring in the rest of us. There are many around here that I hang with that would consider it a real waste to put that many miles in one day of hiking anywhere in the Ozarks. It reminds my of Chevy Chase in "Vacation" when he visited the Grand Canyon.

At the same time, the Sheriff's statement,
ten miles seemed about right for a hiker being on the trail for 7-8 days
seems way short of what even novice backpackers and snails like myself might do.

I'd say 8 miles is probably closer to average on the OHT and many others in the area.
