I was in Lassen VNP with another member of NorthCA Hiking and with all the gawking at the smoke from fires on the short drive there and my quick summit of Lassen peak and the looking here and there while hiking up and jogging down, my neck really acted up. Friday afternoon, the first day in the Park, about 3:00 PM or so, I had to lay down as I was getting vertigo and got sick to my stomach. Anyway, my friend set up my tent for me and put out my bag and DAM pad out. Well she didn't inflate the pad, thinking it was self inflated so I had to sleep on the hard ground more or less. Surprisingly, only my hips hurt that night, my shoulders were fine. I left on Saturday as I wasn't a whole lot better and still couldn't keep anything in my stomach. No water since Friday at lunch time. I was able Saturday night around 6:00PM to keep some Gookinaid down, so at 9:00PM that night I ate a few pretzels and a fruit pie from the store and went back to bed. My hips quit bothering me but my shoulders were hurting. Man, no rest for the wicked I guess. Slowing back to normal on Sunday and the pain in my neck went away.