discard eggs in fire and eat the plank

LOL! I don't think that's what's meant by "feed the fire"!

In Boy Scouts we used to make a dish called "yuck". It's basically a scrambled omelet, consisting of eggs, some kind of diced meat, some kind of diced starch, and anything else that was left over from the previous night's dinner. Yuck could elicit responses that varied from "YUCK!" to "(gobble)(smack!)(chew)(snarf)Any more?". Some of the best looked like fried rice. The worst was made with spaghetti noodles and sauce. I think Denny's has something similar with its Country Scramble bowls.

There are some spices that will make powdered eggs more palatable. Onion powder, garlic powder, and tarragon are high on my list.