I don't see people bring canned meals backpacking anymore. I still see canned fish and chicken. Most poeple prefer dehydrated/freeze dried meals because they are significantly lighter if you have access to water along the trail. If you are going to pack all of your water with you anyway then there isn't much of a weight advantage to packing dehydrated.

However, even ignoring weight I wouldn't pack canned spaghetti, but that is a personal prefference. I think there are lot better options out there for food. Sara Kirconnell's (sometimes contributor on here) website is a great resource for backpacking food: https://trailcooking.com/

Even simpler there are lots of no cook options that I would prefer to canned spaghetti. breads, crackers, salami, hard cheeses, hard boiled eggs, canned fish, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, hummus...