When it's not cold, I wear acrylic socks. They perform reasonably well and dry reasonably quickly. When it's cold, I wear wool socks over nylon everyday compression socks and try not to get my feet wet. The NRS Hydroskins appear to be good choices for chronically wet conditions, but I haven't used them. I wear the nylon compression socks partly because my toenails don't poke holes in them and they protect my wool socks. I have not had good life from wool or polypropylene liner socks. Nylon wears better and dries reasonably well. Wet socks and warm feet don't go together and foregoing socks altogether may be the best choice. My feet got wet Monday and never did warm up until I got out of the wet socks. As long as you are moving, thin socks are probably the best choice. Thick socks just compress more and don't give any more insulation in the shoe. When stationary, dry socks and some sort of thin camp shoe is probably best.