I have been getting along quite well using quick oats and just adding boiling water. After a few minutes it thickens up. I used to partially grind the oatmeal in a high speed coffee mill, but I don't really see any improvement over quick oats. I haven't used instant oatmeal for some time, although I still keep a few plain packets around. I make rice and kasha grits in a coffee mill that I add to the oatmeal. Buckwheat groats toasted in a cast iron pan have a delightful aroma and I prefer them to commercial kasha. I add some peanut powder and some protein powder along with mixed dried fruit. I normally keep my dried milk separate,but have had no real problems with non-fat dried milk going off. Spices are usually Cinnamon and maybe a bit of nutmeg. Apple pie or pumpkin pie spice mixes are OK, but I don't use them very often. At home, I use Stevia extract for sweetening, but I use raw sugar on the trail.