Well, I'm unlikely to pack out my TP. I burn the paper, douse with plenty of water, stir with stick to hasten decomposition (ewwww), fill hole, tamp down, act nonchalant, walk away.

Obviously, the burning part has to be done carefully, not where there's a fire hazard.

I bought the Eureka tent to replace an REI Sololite that finally bit the dust. A friend I've hiked with has one, likes it, and I've envied the side entrance. I'm also now living on less money, not that I ever had much, but now there's no tax refund that I can blow on gear. The Eureka is pretty good quality, just not the very lightest materials.

The frameless pack is a homemade slightly modified Ray-Way style pack. I've only used it on one trip, with a total pack weight of 22lbs. I'd say 25 would be maximum. Even at 22, my shoulders got sore. It was nice to walk without the hipbelt, though. This was my experimental "ultralight" trip. Well, sort of. I wore sneakers instead of boots, and used my homemade Ray-Way style tarp & net tent. It was fun, but I have some concerns about taking all the weight on my shoulders.
Always remember that you are absolutely unique, just like everybody else. -Margaret Mead