Compare your list to this one on the home page of this site:
27-lb, 7 day packing list.
This list includes all food and other consumables. The conditions (high Cascades) are identical to yours.

I used this gear list as a model when I had to lighten my load. Again, for identical conditions, and I get cold very easily.

I pretty much agree with wandering_daisy as to items you can leave at home. I also disagree about the shorts and T shirt. I have to wear long sleeves and long pants since I'm allergic to sunscreen, and I get along just fine. Also, one pair of shoes (worn) is sufficient--no need for a second pair. (That's over a pound saved right there!)

Why that heavy fleece jacket when you already have the down jacket? Another pound saved!

Edited by OregonMouse (03/21/18 12:26 PM)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey