Ugh! That seems pretty clearly to be against the intent of the Wilderness Act. Maybe it comes down to how you define "motorized" and how that "motor" is powered. However, I have to admit I likewise feel pretty uneasy when I hear about things like the pair that ran the JMT "assisted" in 3 days. I believe they had people set up along the way to give them little pit stops as needed (feed them, give them water, dig their catholes and wipe their butts), so that all that they needed to do was just run and carry next to nothing. I'll grant you, it was a physical achievement that I could never do, and maybe I'm jealous of that. Still, things like that disturb me, it feels like it isn't what wilderness is all about in my mind. Where is the contemplation of Nature? But there is always a fine line line that we backpackers walk, between "wow, look what I did!" and "Wow! Look at this incredible wilderness that exists separate and indifferent to me".