Check out "Sarbar's" website, There are lots of recipes there, using supermarket ingredients, that can be done with just boiling water and are a welcome change from Mountain House (yuck). Take a look and you'll find lots of yummy-sounding meals for minimal effort.

At this close to your trip, it's probably not a great idea to change your meal prep methods so radically, unless you plan to spend more time cooking and scrubbing pots of stuck food than hiking. It also sounds as though you need a different pot, preferably anodized aluminum and without heat exchanger, if you want to do actual cooking.

Over the winter, you have two alternatives: (1) Experiment with cooking one-dish meals and dehydrating them. That's what I do--the gourmet (well, sort of) cooking is done at home in the off season! Again, lots of ideas for that on Sarbar's site. Caution--home-dried peas do not rehydrate but remain the consisteny of buckshot. (2) Spend a lot of time experimenting with actual cooking, if this is what you want to do. As I mentioned, a different pot would be advisable.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view--E. Abbey