AMK, I think you answered your own inquiry in the last paragraph of your OP. Trust your judgement based on your needs. We all have differing opinions based on OUR needs.

The mids are awesome single person shelters. Light, easy pitching, large area for 1. Versatile when adding an inner net. Probably one of the most desired solo shelters out there. For two though, even the folks that love them for soloing will tell you they are cramped for 2. For the ULer's with some cash burning in their pockets the Duplex comes very highly rated. Generally speaking it would make a much better design for your MYOG shelter for 2, however I don't know what weight you would arrive at if made from silnylon or silpoly. Take a look at the NEMO's meta LE 2p to get a rough idea.

In the end I decided against a mid because I wasn't about to talk myself or let anyone else talk me into a shelter that simply didn't fit my wife and I more comfy than our current shelter an certainly not if it was going to weigh more. YMMV