Brian, excellent source, I will definately use this regularly! I love to draw on my maps and I find it hard to draw on a map that I paid $20 for.
My searching for a map has been due to a search for a specific trailhead. The directions I was given in order to find the trailhead used outdated road names that my usual source (google maps) didn't have. The USGS info actually still uses the old road names so I was able to find the trailhead.

As far as the Backcountry Navigator app goes, I tried out the free version for a little while in an attempt to avoid the purchase of a GPS last summer. Truthfully, I didn't much like having to rely on my phone. I prefer to charge my phone before I leave on a trip, then power the phone down. I only turn my phone on for one of two reasons, taking a picture or dialing 911. Having to fret over keeping my phone charged on multiday trips was too much of a hassle.